Privacy Policy

This privacy policy pertains to visitors who browse It explains what personal information is collected and how it is used.

Squarespace Analytics / Google Analytics

The following data is collected when you visit this website: your location, which pages or items on a page you viewed, the time of day you browsed the site, and how long you remained on a page. 

This site uses Squarespace Analyptics and Google Analytics to track this data, and this information will never be shared or sold to third parties. Such information is solely used to understand which pages or images of this website are most viewed by visitors.

The means by which both Squarespace and Google Analytics tracks this data is by “cookies” or similar technology.

Contact Form

If you fill out the Contact Form on this website, data such as your First and Last Name will be submitted to Anita Bartlett, as well as your email address and any message you write. Your name and email address will never be shared or sold to any third party - your contact details will only be used to contact you and answer any questions or concerns you have addressed.

Making A Purchase

If you make a purchase on, some personal data will be collected such as First and Last Name, as well as your company’s Address and Phone Number. Additionally, your email address or phone number will be used to contact your company for the purpose of customizing your order (collecting a high-resolution logo file which will be used to customize your PDFs). This personal information will never be shared or sold to a third party - the data will solely be used to finalize your purchase and contact you about any concerns pertaining to your purchase.

Contact Information

If you have questions or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy, please use one of the following methods below for getting in touch.


Phone: (403)561.0626 (MST)

Address: 109 Heartland Street, Cochrane, Alberta, Canada T4C 2P7